Albino Squirrel

Fast facts

Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Diet: Peanut M&Ms
Disposition: Melancholic
Status: Threatened

Photo Coutesy: RL Photo
Recent national efforts to reduce landfill trash is threatening the habitat of the Albino Squirrel, long heralded as an ambassador of peace since the early 14th century when (FUN FACT!) Native American populations would release a white squirrel to signal surrender on the battlefield.

Although less noticeable because of its white fur, the albino squirrel generally has similar problems with dandruff common among other rodents. Numerous public relations campaigns have tried to emphasize the dangers of a dry scalp, but they have -- as of yet -- had a minimal effect.

Due to poor eyesight many albino squirrels have mistakenly adopted rabbits into their colonies. (FUN FACT!) According to legend in some parts of Minnesota albino squirrels have replaced bunnies as the symbol of Easter. Also worth noting is the use of the albino squirrel as currency in Northern Canada.